Prague Revisited

This was my second time in Prague in what is now Czechia. I was last there in 2008 and the difference was stark. Despite both times being over the summer, this one early summer, last time late summer, visitor numbers seemed far higher this time.

The main old square (containing the famous Astronomical Clock) and the ever popular Charles Bridge were heaving with tourists. If you were in the square on the hour when the clock chimed and the apostles appeared, good luck, the crowds were so dense you wouldn’t be moving until after the clock had done its thing. And any time after 9am Charles Bridge was just a continuous sea of people punctuated every now and then by hawkers, caricature artists and musicians. In fact I got up one morning at 7am just to go get some photos of Charles Bridge and even then there were some tourists and 2 separate groups of Chinese wedding photographers shooting their clients dressed to the nines in black tie and ballgowns!

Its definitely worth going if you’ve not been, but I’m not sure I’ll be heading back in a hurry. If you do go, I’d strongly suggest going in the off season, although I suspect it will still be busy. Just remember to set your alarm for 7am to go take your photos!